What you need to know about your “Chubby cats”

Because Fat Chubby cats are the glue that holds the internet together, cartoons and social media highlight their hilarious appearances. Although they look cute and make great pillows, there is more to them than just their furry fat.

According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, over half of all pet cats in the United States are overweight. There are some things you need to know if you’re proud owner of one these 55 million adorable kittens.

1 – Your Chubby cats is at higher risk for developing diabetes

Diabetes can strike chubby cats just as it does humans. The symptoms of diabetes include extreme dehydration, depression and decreased motor function.

2 – Most likely, they will develop arthritis in their old age.

It’s hard work to lift a large body on legs that aren’t designed to support it. The extra weight can cause arthritis in your cat’s joints. It is a chronic condition that has no cure.

3 – They could be having skin problems due to their weight

Obesity can make cats more likely to have skin problems. Because of their size, it is more difficult for cats to groom themselves and their fur and skin suffers. Chunky cats can get feline acne and flaky skin. These conditions can seem to be permanent.

4 – Chubby cats also care about carbs

Carbohydrates are a common enemy if you have ever tried to lose weight. The same applies to cats. Cats need a diet high in protein and low carbs. However, most dry cat food is not suitable for them. Your cat is likely to be eating more carbs than they need if you don’t give them a raw diet. Although this isn’t always an issue for felines who are already overweight, it can make it more difficult to lose weight in chronically obese cats.


5 – Obesity is directly related to a lack of exercise

Many pet Chubby cats love the comforts of living indoors. They don’t need to hunt for food and can just relax all day. Although it sounds great, many Chubby cats are obese due to their sedentary lifestyle. To help your cat lose weight, invest in toys that encourage movement and spend time encouraging them to exercise.

6 – Although they don’t like water but need it

Experts in health advise people to drink more water. Cat owners should do the same. Water can help your cat lose weight and suppress their appetite. You should ensure that your cat’s water bowl is always clean and full.

7 – Wet food is a healthier option for cats than dry.

Although dry cat food can help prevent plaque buildup on your cat’s teeth it has only a 5- to 15% water content. Wet food is approximately 85% water. Cans will keep your cat hydrated, but they won’t have to drink. A bonus is the fact that most canned food contains high levels of animal protein.

8 – Keep your cat healthy by looking after her

You took responsibility for your kitten or rescue cat from the moment she arrived at your home. You have the responsibility to make sure your cat is healthy. This includes monitoring her weight. Talk to your vet if your tubby tabby has been suffering from chronic obesity. You can incorporate more exercise into your dog’s life and make gradual changes so that she remains happy and healthy.

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The Chubby Cats are Adorable

The gallery below is adorable, but please resist the urge to do this to your cat. Although Chubby cats can be adorable (think Garfield), I am sure it is not the healthiest condition that a real cat could find themselves in. Many of the Chubby cats in the fat cat photos series are already on diets. We’ll be focusing on cuteness, as that is the main topic of this article. It’s possible to gain a few extra pounds, right?

Toronto photographer, one of the most adorable cats in Toronto, noticed that they were often overlooked and decided to make a change by taking pictures of their cuteness in the fat cat pictures collection.

Fat Cats by Pete Thorne puts the adorable kittens in the spotlight. These portraits will leave you speechless. Old Faithful was his previous photo series featuring elderly dogs. He had previously worked with pets. He wanted to make the experience more relevant for cats. He discovered that cats can be quite obnoxious, especially when they are outside their home. This was despite the fact that their owners had brought their cats to his studio. He decided to try something different and visit the fluffy, chubby creatures in their natural environment. To get the cats to look at the camera, he used toys and crinkling sounds. However, some Chubby cats would not cooperate with him. These stubbornly chubby creatures are so stubborn!